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<chat>Message send on chat</chat>
<actionbar>Message send on actionbar</actionbar>
<> Message send on title|Message send on subtitle</title>
<> Message send on bossbar</bossbar>
<> Message send on toast (archivement)</toast>
<center>Center message
#CC660CMessage to send - colorize message via hex colors
<#CC660C>Message to send - colorize message via hex colors
Message to send - colorize message via hex colors
Message to send - colorize message with random colors. Saturation is provided at 0-100
Gradient message</GRADIENT:2CC80D> - make gradient message
<chat><#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server!</chat> <bossbar:4><RAINBOW:35>Bossbar message</RAINBOW></bossbar><title:4:1:1><GRADIENT:D5BC0E>Title message|subtitle message</GRADIENT:911A3E></title> <toast:book:task><#ff053b>Get archivement</toast>
To made component you need put in message:
<component><text>Message to send</text></component>
<component><text>Part message of component</text><hover>Hover message</hover><append> second part of message</append><hover>Second hover</hover></component>
Available options:
<text>Message</text> - In this include message
<hover>Text hover</hover> - Include text that will be show after hover on text
<permission>example.permission</permission> - Required permission ti view component
<replace>text|replaced text</replace> - Replace text
<onClick>Action|execute string</onClick> - Execute specific action. Available action: INSERT - Insert text into the chat component are clicked while pressing the shift key. RUN_COMMAND - Execute specific command SUGGEST_COMMAND - Suggest text on chat OPEN_URL - Open URL site
<append>Message</append> - Create a new part of component, after that you can put again options above
Component can be used only on chat message