Last updated
Last updated
NO_PERMISSION: '&cYou don''t have permission to this command'
PLAYER_NO_EXIST: '&cThis player no exist in database'
PROVIDE_MESSAGE: '&cProvide message!'
MISSING_PLAYER: '&cMissing player name'
WRONG_ARGUMENT: '&cGiven argument doesn''t exist'
MISSING_TYPE: '&cProvide a type: join or quit'
WRONG_ARGUMENT_TYPE: '&cWrong argument! You need specific type: join | quit'
NO_DATABASE: '&cYou can use this command if database is enabled but you have in file database.yml DatabaseType set to NONE'
COMMAND_DISABLED: "&cThis command is disabled"
JOIN: '&cUsage: /rankjoin admin setJoin <player> <message>'
QUIT: '&cUsage: /rankjoin admin setQuit <player> <message>'
CHECK: '&cUsage: /rankjoin admin check <player> [join/quit]'
REMOVE: '&cUsage: /rankjoin admin remove <player> [join/quit]'
SUCCESS_SET_JOIN: '&7Message join for player &6{player} &7is set to {message}'
SUCCESS_SET_QUIT: '&7Message quit for player &6{player} &7is set to {message}'
NO_CUSTOM_JOIN: '&cPlayer &6{player}&c doesn''t have set custom join message!'
NO_CUSTOM_QUIT: '&cPlayer &6{player}&c doesn''t have set custom quit message!'
REMOVED_JOIN_MESSAGE: '&cRemoved custom join message for player &6{player}'
REMOVED_QUIT_MESSAGE: '&cRemoved custom quit message for player &6{player}'
- "&7&n===================="
- "&6Rank: &7{rank}"
- "&6Enabled: &7{enabled}"
- "&6Permission: &7{permission}"
- "&6Priority: &7{priority}"
- "&6Switch execute command: &7{switch}"
- "&6Join message:"
- " {join_message}"
- "&6Quit message:"
- " {quit_message}"
- "&6Commands join:"
- " {commands_join}"
- "&6PCommands join:"
- " {pcommands_join}"
- "&6Commands quit:"
- " {commands_quit}"
- "&6PCommands quit:"
- " {pcommands_quit}"
- "&7&n===================="
FORMAT_LIST: "&7- &6{list}"
NONE: '&cNone'
PROVIDE_RANK_NAME: '&cProvide rank name!'
STARTED: '&7Reloading plugin''s data, please wait..'
SUCCESS: '&6RankJoinMessages {plugin_version} &ahas been reloaded.'
FAILED_SYNTAX: '&4Oups, &cthere was a problem loading files from your disk! See the console for more information. RankJoinMessages has not been reloaded.'
ERROR: '&4Oups, &creloading failed! See the console for more information. Error: {error}'
- '<center>&3&lRank&b&lJoin&3&lMessage &7&lHelp'
- '&7'
- '&6- &a/rankjoin preview <&brank&7> <&6[join/quit]&7> &3- &7Show information about rank'
- '&6- &a/rankjoin reload &3- &7Reload plugin'
- '&6- &a/rankjoin info &3- &7Check information about plugin'
- '<database>&6- &a/rankjoin check <&bplayer&7> <&6[join/quit]&7> &3- &7Check custom join/quit message'
- '<database>&6- &a/rankjoin setJoin <&bplayer&7> <&6message&7> &3- &7Set custom join message'
- '<database>&6- &a/rankjoin setQuit <&bplayer&7> <&6message&7> &3- &7Set custom quit message'
- '<database>&6- &a/rankjoin remove <&bplayer&7> <&6[join/quit]&7> &3- &7Remove custom join/quit message'
- '&7'
# Variables: {current_version}, {new_version}, {link}, {player}, {rank}
- ' '
- '<center>&7A new version of &6RankJoinMessage &7is available!'
- '&7Current version: &6{current_version}'
- '&7New version: &6{new_version}'
- '&7Download: &6{link}'
- ' '
# Internal version number. Do not change!
Version: 1